Saturday, November 21, 2009

Let the party begin n rock u...


Hari yang pnuh bersejrh..bez gle..warden laki ak kte wk2 dinner ari uh.."ari nie prepare sye jd hyper active jgn nk wat mslh kat lam ostel"..coz esoknye nazir is coming...but..memberz of epi 4 is having a great start pukul 11.30 pm..after lights off...when all the juniors were starting the preparation..the party is going to begin..pkul 11.45..seniors msuk dorm..when they were entering the dorm..ha..ha..padan mke...ktowg spray gle2 kat dwang...pop pap pop..smue kne spray..with rainbow colours..he..ktowg mkn..mcm2 ad..piza,spaggethi,dessert,air,wedges n mcm2 lg berjln dgn lancar even ktowg mmg beware dgn khdrn warden yg menggrunkan..he..spe yn nak msok must know the password..********..nie paswrd die..cuak gle coz ad skli uh ad someone knock da door..n everyone silent please.........rpe2nye senior dorm..seb bek..coz die didnt mention the psswrd..
smbl mkn2 uh..ktowg men 3 game..fest2 men game the nie kjap je coz rmi yg x fhm how 2 play it..second game men ily+ihy..ak men kjp je coz my tongue is going to squeeze like jelly..terbelit lidah smpi terslh sbut..naye ak kne spray ngn dwang...n da last game is truth or so scared..hop la ak x kne..laz2 kne gak..ak pilih dare..tak sanggup nak telling the truth..dare die mmg la...ak kne wat smthing yg gile n segan ar SRS sudah...ak wat je.. cam nak propose plak.$.laz skli ktowg bg angrh kat senior..sume dpt angrah n all of the awards suit ngan dwang..pas uh..x len x bkan..sesi clean n clear plak..adus..ktowng sme2 kmas dorm..sapu,mop,lap,n mcm2 ag la..n the laz one was getting sleep..bak kte ibu Nor dlu..sesi tuk kumpul tenaga..dr kul 3.00 n nmpk dunia blek pkul 6.00..this is the great moment in my life since im staying in epidendrium 4..i love members of epi 4..sayang kwang smue..xoxo..hope kte x lost contact...especially the seniors..nxt year da x jmpe da..nxt year dtg la jengok2 ktowg n dont forget to bring some food for us..ha..ha..

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